#Jedzjablka #Eatapples – take that Putin!
The Russians have placed an embargo on fruit and vegetables from Poland. Officially, it’s because of concerns about “public health,” but in reality, it is seen as retaliation for the European Union’s economic sanctions because of what’s going on in Ukraine.
If you’re in the United States, you may not have heard much about Russia’s invasion and annexation of Eastern Ukraine. It’s very close to home for us here in Poland. I was shocked and disappointed on a recent visit to the US that TV news spent more time talking about their own facebook page and the Kardashians than this international incident. Enough of my rant, back to apples.
Poland is the world’s leading exporter of apples, in a recent growing season, 1.2 million tons of apples were shipped aboard. Over half of those were sent to Russia.
Poland has responded with #jedzjablka (hastag eat apples), a media campaign encouraging people to not only buy and eat apples, but to post photos of themselves doing so with the hashtag #jedzjablka to protest the embargo. The selfie goes political! If you google the hashtag and check out the images you’ll see everyone eating apples, football teams, businessmen, babies, dogs – all with an apple. An article making the rounds proclaims An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Russians Away.
Facebook groups have popped up in the last week, such as this one, encouraging everyone to eat apples to annoy Putin. Maybe it’s because Ed was on active duty during the Cold War or maybe it’s because I remember the excitement in the Officer’s Club on a Friday night during the 1980 Winter Olympics and the Miracle on Ice, but I have a desire to annoy Putin in my own little way. Here are 10 apple recipes (in no particular order) to help you #jadzjablka eat apples and support Poland’s apple growers.
Poached Apple with Sweet and Sour Beets
Zubrowka Vodka with Apple Juice
An accountant by trade and a food blogger since 2009, Lois Britton fell in love with Polish cuisine during the years she lived in Poznań, Poland. As the creator of PolishHousewife.com, she loves connecting readers with traditional Polish recipes. Lois has a graduate certificate in Food Writing and Photography from the University of South Florida. She is the author of The Polish Housewife Cookbook, available on Amazon and on her website.
Thank you for this post Lois!!! I saw the jedz jablka comments and pictures on fb and on gw website, but did not know what it was about.
Kasia, glad to help! I’ll be watching for your selfie. Maybe apples at bootcamp? 🙂
Well – I don’t take many selfies, but might do it just for the support. No bootcamp this week, and would have to explain to everybody – don’t know:)