I have two goals right now – keeping my blood sugar in the appropriate range and losing weight. It’s important to stay hydrated for Type 2 Diabetics.
Drinking enough water helps with both of my goals. At every session with my Registered Dietician Nutritionist, she reminds me to Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!
“For people living with diabetes, even mild dehydration can cause significant increases in blood sugar of 50-110 mg/dL or higher, damaging the body over time. It is essential to stabilize blood sugars and avoid or delay these complications” according to the University of Maryland Medical System.
The amount of water in your blood is decreased when you’re dehydrated, which in turn makes the glucose in your system more concentrated resulting in a spike.
As for weight loss, drinking water helps on so many levels according to Johns Hopkins University.
- Water suppresses your appetite.
- Drinking water stimulates your metabolism.
- Drinking water can reduce your overall liquid calorie intake.
- It helps with exercise.
- Drinking water helps the body remove waste.
- Your body needs water to burn fat.
- Water can improve motivation and reduce stress.
How much water do I need?
We’ve all heard that we need to drink 8 cups of water a day, but the real amount depends on many factors such as age, gender, health, weight, activity level, tendency to sweat, and even the weather.
Most people can meet their water intake needs by letting their thirst be their guide. The recommended 8 cups a day is not enough for me because I’m overweight. The exact amounts are questionable in my mind. I’ve read that 80% of our hydration comes from what we drink. The other 20% comes from the fresh foods we eat. I’ve also read that it’s one ounce of water for every two pounds of body weight.
How can I drink all of that water?
- Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up.
- Have a special container with a known volume. Set a target for refills during the day.
- Keep water accessible during the day — keep a refillable bottle in your car, and keep refilling a glass of water in your workspace.
- Have a glass of water before meals.
- Try adding lemon, cucumber slices, herbs, or berries to your water for a hint of flavor.
- Try sparking water.
I wish you success in drinking your daily water,
An accountant by trade and a food blogger since 2009, Lois Britton fell in love with Polish cuisine during the years she lived in Poznań, Poland. As the creator of PolishHousewife.com, she loves connecting readers with traditional Polish recipes. Lois has a graduate certificate in Food Writing and Photography from the University of South Florida. She is the author of The Polish Housewife Cookbook, available on Amazon and on her website.
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