This dish was created by Paula Davis and originally titled Eggs Richard II after her husband, Dick, who was my husband’s friend and squadron commander while we were stationed at Torrejon AB, Spain. I had many reasons to be happy about Ed’s promotions and increased responsibility in the squadron, and one of those reasons was that we were invited to have dinner at the Davis home more often. If Paula was cooking, you knew it would be good.
- Cook spinach as directed.
- Drain spinach very well and chop again.
- Cut bacon into 1/4 inch pieces and fry until crisp.
- Remove bacon and drain on paper towel.
- Add ham to bacon grease and fry 2 minutes. Remove ham and set aside with bacon.
- Add ½ stick butter to bacon grease and melt.
- Add flour a little at a time, mixing well. Stir and cook until bubbly.
- Add milk gradually, stirring until sauce is thick and smooth.
- Add spinach, onion and seasonings; mix well and remove from heat.
- Melt 1/2 stick of butter in another pan.
- Beat eggs and evaporated milk together with salt and pepper.
- Scramble mixture in butter until lightly set.
- Butter 9” x 13” Pyrex baking dish.
- Spread half of eggs, then half of bacon and ham and cover with half of spinach mixture. Repeat these layers and top with onion rings and cheese.
- Refrigerate over night; this is a MUST. Bake at 275 degrees for one hour.
An accountant by trade and a food blogger since 2009, Lois Britton fell in love with Polish cuisine during the years she lived in Poznań, Poland. As the creator of, she loves connecting readers with traditional Polish recipes. Lois has a graduate certificate in Food Writing and Photography from the University of South Florida. She is the author of The Polish Housewife Cookbook, available on Amazon and on her website.
These are so stylish! Some days I really detest being a vegetarian and this would be one of those days.
I love making delicious, comforting breakfasts in the morning! I’d love to make this! You should consider submitting this to Recipe4Living’s Breakfast Casserole Recipe Contest! You could win a whole bunch of things from Melitta Coffee!